‘I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
-John 13:34‐35
Introduction to Christianity
‘Abrahamic’ faith, which grew out of Judaism, it shares the longing for, and active commitment to, God’s ‘kingdom’ of ‘shalom’ (love, peace and justice for all). Cenetred on the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth and the continued significance of his life, teaching, death, and resurrection, it has 3 main bodies: Catholic (the largest group), Orthodox & Protestant/Reformed. Its holy scripture is known as ‘the Bible’ (66 books of teaching, history, law, prophecy and spirituality, variously interpreted by different Christians).
Key beliefs are:
- ◎ ‘love God (with all that you are) and love your neighbour as yourself’ (‘the two great commandments’)
- ◎ One God who is Creator of all, but best known as the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
- ◎ in Jesus, God is fully revealed in human form, fulfilling Hebrew prophecies and offering ‘the Way’ to the ‘fullness’ of life, truth & love
- ◎ through Jesus Christ the powers of sin and evil are overcome by God’s love, offering forgiveness and salvation for all of creation
- ◎ by sharing in the community of Jesus Christ, human beings can grow like Jesus and share in his transformed life, here & after death