Association of Master Chin Kung’s Friends at UNESCO

Thrice Yearning Ceremony
Praying for a Safe World
Love and Peace
Practice Religious Education
Love All Unconditionally

For the sake of world peace and the happiness of all, Venerable Master Chin Kung, Permanent Honorary President of the Association, advocates “Education First”. He said, "Education is essential for lasting peace and prosperity. All Gods are One and all faiths are brothers like branches of the same tree.” The advocation echoes the motto of the UNESCO -- “Building peace in the minds of men and women”.

Different countries, regions, cultures, ethnicities, religions, diverse groups and communities make our planet a beautiful homeland for everyone. A world in peace and harmony is the lasting aspiration of all humanity. The civilizations are abundantly enriched with diversity and the thriving vitality of the world can be found in multiplicity. A harmonious world is a goal resulted from the common wish of all people, and it will be achieved when all affinities sync in harmony. “One Belt, One Road” is a great strategy for worldwide economic and cultural prosperity. What we need now is the spirit and wisdom of harmony to resolve conflicts, to maintain world peace and stability, and to build a shared future for the global community with dedication and wisdom.

Thanks to the support of ambassadors and the World Fellowship of Buddhists, our association is holding Thrice Yearning Ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. During the ceremony, we will express filial love to our parents and sincere appreciation to our ancestors. We will praise the grace of God by offering our collective wish to protect Mother Earth and our vision of world peace and harmony. We will pray to relieve the sufferings of all and get happiness for everyone, to reach Heaven and Pure Land. The scripture reads, "Buddha Amitabha fills my mind, and my mind is Buddha Amitabha. Therefore, this land is Pure Land, and Pure Land is all around us.”

May all people fulfil their own destiny in life. May the universe enjoys everlasting peace.

Guided by: Venerable Master Chin Kung
Conducted by: Venerable Wu Shin
Date: 8 June – 10 June, 2019
Venue: Room I, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France


8 June, 2019 (Saturday)
Afternoon Session 12:00--13:00 Registration
13:00--13:30 Chanting Amitabha Buddha’s Name
13:30--14:00 Speeches by Venerable Master Chin Kung and Ambassadors
14:00--16:00 First part of the ceremony
16:00--17:30 Second part of the ceremony
17:30--19:30 Third part of the ceremony
9 June, 2019 (Sunday)
Morning Session 08:30--09:00 Registration
09:00--09:30 Chanting Amitabha Buddha’s Name
09:40--10:30 Speech by Venerable Wu Shin: Supervising the Ritual of Taking Threefold Refuge in Triple Gem
10:30--11:30 Ritual of Noon Offerings
11:30--12:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session 13:00--15:00 First part of the ceremony
15:00--16:30 Second part of the ceremony
16:30--18:30 Third part of the ceremony
10 June, 2019 (Sunday)
Morning Session 08:30--09:00 Registration
09:00--09:30 Chanting Amitabha Buddha’s Name
09:40--10:30 Speeches by Venerable Master Chin Kung and Ambassadors
10:30--11:30 Ritual of Noon Offerings
11:30--12:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session 13:00--15:00 First part of the ceremony
15:00--16:30 Second part of the ceremony
16:30--18:30 Third part of the ceremony

* The timetable may change according to circumstances and any announcements during the ceremony.

How to Apply

Please download the application form(s) and sent your form(s) to

  1. Buddhist Rituals Individual Application Form (Doc) (PDF)
  2. Formulaire d’inscription pour les groupes pour les rituels bouddhistes (Doc)(PDF)
  3. Volunteer Application Form (Doc) (PDF)

The registration begins on April 10, 2019 until June 7, 2019, subject to seats availability.

We will respond to your application through emails from May 10, 2019.

For the applicants who do not live in France, please be informed that you would better finish your visa application and hotel reservation before submitting your application.

For safety reasons, we will only consider applicants around 10-80 years old. Senior citizens and the disabled ones are suggested to arrange your personal accompanies beforehand.

Informations :
English/Chinese: +33 7 66 33 82 65
French: +33 6 21 23 61 41
Wenzhou Dialect: +33 6 13 23 23 88
Cantonese : +33 6 65 68 92 11

Kindly Reminder:

  1. The organizer will provide each attendant an entrance pass. An early arrival is necessary for finishing security check at the entrance of the UNESCO. No one will be allowed to attend the ceremony without the entrance pass.
  2. No baggage service is available during the event. Please take care of your belongings.
  3. Free lunch will be served. Please bring your Haiqing Buddhist Robe if you have any. Please bring your water bottles and handkerchiefs for environmental protection.
  4. On 9 June (Sunday) at 9:40, the Ceremony of Taking Threefold Refuge in Triple Gem will be held. If you want to attend the ceremony, you may either mark your intention in your application form or submit your application on 9 June at the Registration Counter before the event.

Organized by: Association of Master Chin Kung’s Friends at UNESCO